What type of training do you think is currently missing in order to facilitate the use of the Crop Ontology products?

Several people suggested in the survey that we put together a suite of trainings related to the use of CO. What should we start with? A training around the TD, the API, submission workflow, …?


The API would be great. Secondarily, the submission workflow – i.e., I have a a set of terms for a crop not currently included, so how do I standardize them and incorporate that withing crop ontology?

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I support @Kevin_S 's comment.

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should we describe the device used to annotate a specific trait?

Associated to method could we have “device” and “gender”?

Yes I am thinking of this item as I am currently in the IPPS 2022!. We probably need to check what is in SOSA ontology. SOSA: A lightweight ontology for sensors, observations, samples, and actuators - ScienceDirect

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Changing the link for the Arvxiv open version of the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.09979