Creating Zenodo records for allocating DOIs: Please read!

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to colleagues who filled in the table with the co-authors of their crop.

First Zenodo record for Wheat:

As a test we created a first Zenodo record for the Wheat Ontology that was validated with Rosemary who is a curator**.** Please check:

The concept DOI is: 10.5281/zenodo.8253719 and will link to subsequent published versions. We included all the names of the co-authors as indicated by Rosemary and Julian in the Excel file. I added the roles, but I contacted Zenodo to understand why the roles I added are not showing anywhere.


The record is attached to the Crop Ontology Community and to the Planteome Database Community (see in the grey vertical banner on the right). The Planteome Community is currently the branding community showing in the upper banner of the record as Zenodo enable only one branding Community so I will propose toi change this for the Crop Ontology Community branding…

The description of the Ontology is very short and can be improved as curators wish.

Editing rights for curators:

We are currently discussing the process to give to those who wish it the metadata editing rights which currently are with Marie and I. We would like to give to curators the right to edit your own record. First you need to have a login in Github and watch your own repository. Please send us your Github username so we can add you to the Github repo.

We can also add members to the Zenodo community with editing rights but the rights are not restricted to only your crop ontology so this is probably not the best solution. We will check.

Kind regards
